For My Preschooler - Month 32

Giving Medicine to Your Toddler
Most children have strong feelings about what they eat and drink. But those between the ages of 1 and 4 are most likely to out-and-out refuse to take medicine. At that age they are often wary even of things that we think taste good.

This natural tendency can be complicated by parents' uncertainty about giving medicine. The secret is believing that your child needs the medicine. A child can sense your doubt and will resist no matter what you do unless you sincerely believe you are doing what is best. So be confident and determined; it's the most effective attitude.


Always remember to tell it like it is: Medicine is not candy and should never be referred to as candy, no matter how much the taste is altered.


Listening to your child's feelings about taking medicine before you attempt to give it will often take the edge off strong resistance. If you continue to be firm about the need to take the medicine while continuing to listen, you may be amazed by the cooperation you eventually gain. Read More...

Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract problems often go undetected or are discovered after they fester a while. But there are some signs.
  • If your child's need to urinate increases suddenly to every five minutes, for example, and he produces only a small amount of urine, this could be something to watch.
  • If the change to frequent urination is accompanied by pain, fever, or foul smell, this may signal a urinary infection as well.
But increased frequency of urination without pain or other symptoms also may be a response to anxiety or stress, and not an infection. Read More...


Just their luck-girls are prone to getting more urinary tract infections than boys do. Normally, girls should have to urinate every two to four hours during the day, and their urine should be very pale (almost clear) if they are drinking enough fluid.

Be especially careful if Mom has had frequent bladder infections, as this susceptibility can run in families. Read More...

Sound Bite
Children usually eat more than half their calories before noon. Focus on breakfast, lunch, and midmorning snack. Dinner is often mainly for socializing.

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