Screaming Children will not be tolerated!

CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. (WGHP) - A restaurant in Carolina Beach is stirring up some controversy after they posted a sign on the store window that reads "Screaming children will not be tolerated."

The owner of the Olde Salty restaurant, Brenda Armes, told WECT-TV that she is tired of having customers complain about misbehaving and screaming children inside the restaurant.

Armes says the signs have worked.

"It has been a good thing for us," Armes told WECT-TV. "It has brought us in more customers than it has ever kept away."

Gary Gibson was dining at the restaurant for the first time and agrees with Armes.

"It's not very enjoyable when you hear a bunch of kids screaming. It's nice to see a sign like that up," Gibson said.

Armes says that if a child is screaming, a restaurant employee will ask the parent to take them outside to calm down. They will not be asked to leave the restaurant for good.

"We want to attract the type of people that come in knowing they aren't going to have to sit behind a table with a bunch of screaming children," Armes said.

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