How To Solve The Struggle Of Going To Bed On Time, With Children Who Have Autism

There are many problems and struggles with children who have autism, that require them to go to bed on time, without a struggle and stress. How can this be accomplished? This has been a question that has created a huge challenge. But, it can be solved.

To solve the struggle of going to bed on time, with children who have autism, is to have a good relationship with them. That means a loving, kind, positive and happy relationship with them, to gain their cooperation.

Part of the positive relationship means, that there will not be power struggles over anything. That sounds real simple and easy, but with a child who has autism, this could be difficult. To solve the struggle of going to bed on time, is to approach it with a happy, pleasant and friendly manner.
As soon as your tone of voice states anger or you are annoyed, that sets up a challenge in your child to give power struggles and causes the task to become more difficult with stress and exhaustion. A positive environment to solve the struggle of going to bed on time is the key to keep this a pleasant routine.

Routine is something you create that is workable for you and your child with autism to solve the struggle of going to bed on time. Children with autism depend on routine. It gives them a sense of security and comfort that enables them to respond better.

Do set rules and follow through with them, but remember the rules about giving positive reinforcement is the key. For example, you may solve the struggle of going to bed on time with a child who has autism, in a positive way, by reminding your child that he or she will get the story read only when he or she has completed the other steps or the routine you have given to the child.

Some parents may use other methods of reinforcements besides reading a story before going to bed. You may want to tell your child, when the steps or plan of the routine is finished, there will be a reward. For example, to have a story read, watch a special video for about one half hour, play some games, put some puzzles together, draw some pictures or some special thing your child will appreciate doing and enjoying before going to bed. These special rewards, should be no less than a half hour in a session.

Of course, if your child does not follow the routine or rules you planned, the child will not be rewarded. The child should be made to understand the rules, to eliminate the struggle of going to bed on time.

Remember, be more positive than negative and you will get what you want. When you show anger, or you becomeout of balance, the struggle for your child to go to bed on time becomes more difficult. Be patient with your child, be firm, assertive, loving and in time the struggle of going to bed on time with child who has autism will be less difficult.

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