You Earn It, You Keep It

Disappearing act
Here today, spent tomorrow. How can you hang on to more of those precious dollars you earn?

Income protection is on the way, with the publication of
"Your Money: The Missing Manual," by J.D. Roth, founder of the award-winning blog, (and long an inspiration to us at DailyWorth).

More for your money
True, most personal finance books cover the same old ground, and "Your Money" has some been-there-read-that moments. ("Pay yourself first." Bet you never heard that one.)

But Roth belongs to the new generation of non-formulaic personal finance writers, and he can zip through five times the amount of information in half the space of most money books. He delivers the basics (saving, getting out of debt, boosting your credit) and a wealth of money issues in between. How to...
  • Set goals and stick to 'em (try,,
  • Plan a fab staycation (splurge on a deluxe tour—but stay in your own, ahem, budget accommodations).
  • Get a better job (go on informational interviews; test drive the new position part-time).
  • Invest in a four-in-one index fund (FFNOX).
Bottom line
$21.99 is a small price to pay to keep more money in your pocket.

Your move
Got a teensy Wowsa-What-a-Weekend-Can-Cost hangover? Tell us about it—and how you plan to regroup.

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