As burglary season approaches, I'm sure you'll find yourself writing about the topic more and more over the next few months. But the thing is, the statistics out there only cover high-level trends. That's why SafeWise went straight to the source and surveyed burglary victims to learn more about the specifics of their experience.
Whether it's a quick news brief, breaking news, or a feature story, providing realistic, actionable prevention tactics can really help you to connect with readers prevent them from writing it off as "more bad news." I know this because I was a copy editor at local newspapers for four years before I got this job. Hope this helps! And let me know if you need anything else.
- 70% of respondents said no one was home when the burglar broke in.
- The most common entryways that burglars used were back or side doors (34%), followed by windows (30%), and front doors (22%).
- 84% of respondents said their entryways were locked and closed, but the burglar broke through, manipulated the lock, or found a spare key.
- Among those who reported stolen property, 77% said it was never recovered.50% said the burglar stole or damaged items that were sentimental or irreplaceable.While 90% of our survey respondents reported a burglary to the police, only 28% said the police caught the perpetrator.
- 67% of respondents said the burglary significantly impacted their emotional and mental wellbeing, and 63% reported trouble sleeping after.