For anyone who has followed my site from the 'early stages' knows I have a sister who was born in 2002 with special needs. Long story short, she has a missing chromosome which is extremely rare which plays a part (if not the reason) for my sister's medical issues which include, but not limited to: memory loss, brain not maturing past a certain age point, and seizures. Now, when I say seizures, I don't mean sometimes. I don't mean 1-2 times per day. I mean averaging at least 200 per day, most you do not even know she is having. They are not the stereotypical 'shake around' seizures, but rather she will stare off blankly appearing to ignore you when, in fact, she is in a seizure state. To give you a bit more insight, she has a machine that was surgically placed inside of her to help reduce the seizures. This machine is meant to last roughly 10 years, give or take. In my sister's case, because she has so many seizures, she has been having to get the battery replaced every 2-3 years. Not even half the life it should have.
This leads me on to the next point. My parents are both retired. My mom ultimately had to retire early to care for Amy. Once they realized Amy could no longer be in a traditional school setting my mom had to begin caring for her and find alternative educational means, which is where they are at now: doing a 'homebound' program. Basically, teachers come to your home rather than the child going to school. So both of my parents are on a fixed income and unfortunately do not qualify for government assistance, despite the extremely high medical bills. Absolutely does not make sense but that's for a different post on a different day as I could rant on and on about that.
I'm giving a little back history because I wanted to explain why shopping with Young Living through my mom would make a difference. There are a TON of direct sales companies. I have my own. It's a competitive market. Some people need the income while some people are just trying to get some extra cash or want the discount. In my parent's case, they NEED the income. This isn't 'just a little extra cash', but something that will help offset some of the many medical expenses they have.
My mom had gotten started in using Young Living because she's always been into essential oils and has tried quite a few of their products. She finds they are expensive but definitely help out a lot. I couldn't tell you everything, she would be better suited. However, I am happy to ask her any questions on your behalf for her to answer. So she didn't sign up to just make money, but to actually better her life from the products. Since using it and finding it beneficial, she has just set up her online link and is hoping she can get some funds coming in to help with the family.
So while I know many of you don't care too much about direct sales and such, I want to simply put it out there that if you're into essential oils or Young Living, to please shop through my moms link here: https://www.myyl.com/kathyg#my-products
If you are browsing through products, please make sure to add this ?sponsorid=13815400&enrollerid=13815400&type=member to the end of each URL so she gets the credit when you shop with her.
I say that because while browsing I noticed that not all links have her name attached. So if you click an item a typical link would look like this:
When you add my moms link, the same link would look like this:
I'm not a part of Young Living so I'm not 100% sure if it catches without adding that on or not so I wanted to make sure to mention it.
Don't use essential oils, but know someone who does? I'd graciously appreciate you simply sharing this story to help spread the word. It would mean a lot.