And Why Wouldn’t They Be Taking Off?
One Lily Cup Compact costs less than $40 and can last for up to a decade. The modern millennial woman is not only environmentally-conscious, but also pragmatic, and by switching to a menstrual cup she will save around 12,000 tampons from landfill and $3000 in disposable protection.
And there are more period-enhancing benefits:
- Up to 12 hours of non-stop protection
- Safe, hygienic and hypoallergenic
- Collapses into a tiny pocket-sized case
- No dryness or irritation
- No leaks, no odors, no padding and no strings attached
To celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day, INTIMINA is launching the biggest menstrual cup giveaway EVER! Recognizing how crucial friends are when it comes your period - from responding to leak emergencies to bringing you chocolate - they are giving away 1000 Lily Cup Compacts to 500 sets of best friends! Because what’s better, switching to a menstrual cup or switching to a menstrual cup with your very best friend?