- Here's the actual post link (http://bit.ly/2mLNHtS)
I'm pretty disturbed that I logged in this evening to my facebook account see a notification of a post from someone making false claims of their Blogsvertise account being hacked by me.
For those who do not know what Blogvertise is, it's a platform where bloggers go in and can get jobs to get paid to do blog posts for various things. I signed up with Blogsvertise YEARS ago when they were new and had many opportunities to get paid. Once those opportunities died out and the site began to die out, I moved on. Well, not too long ago I got an email talking about they updated their platform blah blah blah - basically to re-join them. Hey, I need a way to make a living so of course, why not?!
After a lot of guessing of my password, I got in only to see a bunch of blog sites in my account that were not mine with no way to remove them. So I marked them as "Not my blog - please remove" hoping they would get "denied" and added the two blogs I have and went about my business. I never heard back from Blogvertiser nor logged into my account up until tonight. This evening, I got an ugly message in my filtered box from a girl asking why I hacked her account. See the screen shot:
Read the full post here: http://www.closetsamples.com/warning-false-information-about-closet-of-free-samples-is-being-spread-by-misty-lowe/