You can make a difference for wildlife today

Gray wolves, (c) Eilish Palmer
They’re calling it the sixth mass extinction.
In the history of life on Earth, there have only been five other times when so many species have gone extinct in such a short time frame.One recent study suggests that as many as 130,000 species of wild plants and animals have disappeared in our lifetime. You have to wonder, what will be next? Polar bears? Elephants?
Humankind is both the primary cause of this catastrophe and our best hope for stopping it.
And as Americans, we have a special responsibility for the wildlife within our borders – the wolves, manatees, panthers, grizzlies and other imperiled creatures.
And for a limited time, if you join at the $18/month level or higher, we’ll send you an exclusive Defenders’ lapel pin with our thanks!
Not everyone shares your love for the wild. In fact, as you may know, we’re fighting an avalanche of anti-wildlife bills and proposals on Capitol Hill.
Extremists and their lobbyists are pressuring Congress and the Administration to:
  • Prohibit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from treating gray wolves in Washington, Utah and Oregon as a threatened or endangered species, even though science says they have not recovered there;
  • Open up critical polar bear habitat for oil drilling and exploration;
  • Strip Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for the Mexican gray wolf in Arizona and New Mexico – the most endangered population of wolves in the country;
  • Make it easier for illegal ivory to flow into our country; and
  • Force the abandonment of decades of work in North Carolina toward the recovery of critically endangered red wolves.
Under this barrage of vicious attacks, our resources are being stretched to the limit. It’s the steadfast support of our monthly donors that helps make sure we can turn back these assaults and secure a place for wildlife in our world.’ll find monthly giving is a convenient way to support the wild. You get the satisfaction of knowing you are fighting for wildlife every single day.
You and me. Together, we’re fighting for the wolves and other imperiled wildlife. We’re fighting to protect important wildlife refuges and other fragile habitats. We’re fighting for all life on Earth!

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