It is definitely normal for any parent to worry when they bring a new baby home. You may not have confidence in your skills yet and be nervous about any cough, red spots or irregularities. One common issue among new parents is the nappy rash that seems to affect many babies. Though it is not such a major issue, it can be if not addressed properly. Staying on top of keeping baby dry will take care of many problems including the skin irritations that are frequent in young children.
Worry is a way that parents look out for and see to the needs of their children. However, constant concern over small issues will not make things better. If you see an issue or note something out of the ordinary with your newborn, address it without panic or call your pediatrician. You can make yourself very nervous if you go
on the internet and read about sudden infant death syndrome, croup and other situations. Any respiratory problem should be looked at by a physician and monitored but keep in mind that getting a cold or cough is very common.
New parents, especially, tend to worry over every whimper or cry, blemish or scratch, but usually it is nothing but normal responses or reactions. Take care of baby, but don't stress yourself out. Most parenting books have a balance approach in helping someone know the signs of when to seek medical attention. Your confidence will increase with time and experience. Remember, that children can pick up fear and you want to help your child feel secure and comfortable. If your child does have a rash or any illness, use laughter and play to help them relax. The immune system is effected by our environment and emotions. As a parent your own judgement and
decision making process is also improved by relaxation and staying calm. It is easy to make impulsive decisions when we are very nervous.
Turning to another adult in the family by phone can be a help when you feel that you are too clouded by your emotions. You'll be able to get another perspective on your child's condition and this can help you get your balance back.
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