ATTENTION: St. Andrew the Apostle Parents and Parishioners

Thank you for attending the PTA meeting Tuesday night and taking time to sign the contact sheet.
All opinions or comments herein are my own.  I am a forty two year parishioner, former student, and father of three current students.

My goal is to help coordinate the effort to protect our valued school / parish from irreparable damage and to distribute accurate information.

Attached are two articles published Wednesday, March 16. 
I believe the Archbishop's statement demonstrates the substantial and worthwhile task ahead.
The third attachment is the petition to be presented to Archbishop Aymond requesting intercession.
While the wording may be a bit forceful for some; I believe the intent of the message is clear, accurate, and in the best long term interest of SAS to support.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans contact list is also attached.  Please pass it on.

This e-mail was sent to all who signed the contact sheet Tuesday night.
We are the parents of 128 of the approximately 730 current SAS students.
I implore you to help reach out to the parents of the remaining 600 students.
Please take every opportunity to spread the word and ask others to e-mail me their contact information to be added to the list.
The student directory is a tremendous resource.  

Time is of the essence! 
I fear that under the current circumstances, many teachers will soon seek alternative employment for the next school year, and many parishioners alternative churches.
Please respond to all with your productive ideas, comments, and questions.

Stephen C. Poche'

Tensions boil around firings at SAS in Algiers

Archbishop issues new statement on turmoil at SAS in Algiers

SAS Petition

Archdiocese of N.O. Contacts

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