Bike to School Safely

For kids looking to help the planet while getting some fun exercise, biking to school is the way to go. Help your tikes ride smart and safe with these tips:

  • Plan the route. Many communities and schools sponsor Safe Routes to School programs and group rides. You can also talk to other parents and kids that bike to school to find the safest route for your child.
  • Brush up on cycling skills. Some schools or communities offer classes on cycling skills for kids. While you're at it, you may want to refresh your own safe-riding skills.
  • Ride behind your child. For young children who need to be shadowed when biking, ride behind them so you can watch what they’re doing and shout out tips about what's safe and what's risky.
  • Help your child learn in context. When kids are first learning a new route to school, expect sudden stops or turns as they figure it out. Remind them that their actions have effects on other traffic, including you. Repeating messages like these when your kid is in the moment will help them remember the important lessons.

Find more safe-cycling tips at KIWI’s sister site, Want to make your kid’s back-to-school routine green? Visit

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