Kids can learn about numbers, letters, colors and even bugs with these yummy treats.
Palatable PaletteWhat better way to teach a tot her reds, greens, and oranges than to serve them up in Technicolor snack cups? Also in sugar-free. (Jell-O, $3.19 for six)
Smart Cookies
These organic, nutrient-packed vanilla nibbles mean little learners can devour knowledge -- literally (Earth's Best Letter of the Day cookies, $2.59)
Bug Out
Calcium-fortified graham crackers shaped like caterpillars, dragonflies, and ladybugs open a window onto the insect world. (Keebler Grahams Bug Bites, $3.39)
Tasty Tiles
These cheesy squares look like Scrabble tiles -- so go ahead, let your kids play with their food: Winner eats all! (Cheez-It Scrabble Junior, $4.19)
Stick 'Em Up!
They're a gummy, yummy, vitamin C-infused treat that can help kids hone their hues. (Fruit Roll-Ups Stickerz, $2.79)
Who can just eat alphabet soup? Call out a letter, and when your child finds it, he can slurp up the hearty reward. (Campbell's Chicken Alphabet soup, $1.69)
I didn't know about some of those! Thank you :D